Thursday 10 November 2016

Commonwealth Free Trade Zone: A New World Order

A new dawn is arising across Britain. A light that was once extinguished, is now starting to flicker again and its warmth is filling people across the "Anglosphere" with hope, like never before. Millions of people are waking up to the idea, that it is time for a new Geo-political force, to act as the bringer of security, peace and prosperity to the world. It is time to unite the people of the Commonwealth Realms, through the Commonwealth Free Trade Zone and start a new epoch in Britain's history and global politics. 

In 1953, Queen Elizabeth II delivered her first address as Head of State, her Coronation speech. In her speech, Queen Elizabeth II laid out the ideals, that she believed should be the ideals of the second Elizabethan Age. During this speech, that embodies the ideals of our age and the desires of our Head of State, our Queen swears allegiance to those of the Commonwealth Realms and the British Empire. She speaks of the people of the many races, and lands, across all the seas of the world; different in origins and backgrounds united in Gods will through a political system and identity that championed parliaments, free speech, respect for the rights of minorities and was open and tolerant to a broad spectrum of thought. She speaks of the contribution, of those in the Commonwealth Realms and Britain's then overseas territories, as having had and continuing to make contributions in language, literature and action towards the growth of the political and social thought that sprung from the cold and windy British Isles but was now in an array of far flung climates and environments.

Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation speech lays out what I believe to be the fundamental elements of "Britishness" and the ideals that are central to British identity in the modern world. During her speech, HRH, maps out her future desires for her reign. In 1953, these desires were for Britain to pursue a strong relationship with those people across the world that made up the Commonwealth Realms and the then overseas territories of the British Empire. She imagined a post-racial, international community governed by the same aforementioned values, sharing the English language and political system as their own, without prejudice. 

During the 50's and 60's many of those that were once overseas territories of the British Empire sought independence and in the spirit of the values espoused by Queen Elizabeth II were granted their independence. After the many nations across Africa and the West-Indies became independent, Queen Elizabeth II sought to preserve the unity of the former nations of the British Empire, who through the actions of her ancestors had become intertwined. She sought to preserve these relationships through the Commonwealth, a new organisation that had been created in 1948 with those states in the Commonwealth Realms. Prior to the Coronation of HRH, the Commonwealth existed of the Realms and a few other nations that made 7 in total. In line with her stated goals, HRH pursued a path of unity and engaging with the former colonies, through an informal network relationship, in the new decolonised, post-colonial, Commonwealth. In her 65 years, HRH has consistently worked, to further the aims and goals of the Commonwealth and led the network to now consist of 52 nations, from 5 continents, representing more than 2 billion citizens across the world. The nations of the Commonwealth now include not only those nations of the Realms but those many nations that also have shared a historical relationship with Britain.

The legacy of the second Elizabethan Age will be the Commonwealth, as a powerful trans-global, post-racial network. A legacy that I believe that we should honour. But the goals of the second Elizabethan Age, set out by Queen Elizabeth II, have been colliding with another set of ideas that have led Britain's political class to abandon the ideals espoused by our Head of State in 1953, in favour of pursuing the mythological ideal of the European community. Whilst Queen Elizabeth II has worked diligently to pursue her beliefs the political class have undermined and derailed the noble goals that should define our age to join movements towards Pan-Europeanism. 

The European movement was developed in 1948 around the same period as the Commonwealth by Eurocrat's and members of Britain's political and philosophical class, that included Winston Churchill and Bertrand Russell.  The movement sought to mould the diverse linguistic, political, cultural and economic climates of Europe into a United States of Europe and was popular amongst those that sought ways to unify the European race after centuries of sporadic wars. At the time of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, there were two competing directions for the future of post-war Britain. The post-racial and trans-global Commonwealth or the mono-racial, Pan-European Movement that would develop the College of Europe and lay the foundations for the European Union. 

On her first public address to the nation, Queen Elizabeth II, clearly expressed a desire to pursue the Commonwealth as the future of Britain rather than the United States of Europe. Nowhere in her speech, did she thank Europe, or consider the nations of Europe to be her people. Instead, she spoke of those people far and wide who had adopted the British values, that she had so eloquently expressed. The pan-European experiment has been pushed forward by the political class that desire Presidency in the United States of Europe and a racialised bloc of European nations with protectionist policies that hold the nations of the developing and new world at bay. HRH, in her carefully worded Coronation speech, made no reference to a desire to pursue the ideal of racial unity amongst European nations, but sought to pursue the ideal of the trans-racial Commonwealth as the path to Britain's greatest success and most robust friendships. 

Since 1953, the political ideal inspired by the ambitions of the self-proclaimed "Father of the nation" Winston Churchill, for a European super-state, perhaps where he would be President and finally usurp the Monarch's power, have come to dominate the political landscape with those seeking to pursue the ideals of HRH cast as eccentric outsiders seeking to make Britain a "little England". The false narrative that those who are supporters of the EU are a bastion of liberal open-mindedness and internationalism, whilst those who seek to fulfil the ideals of the second Elizabethan Age, are close-minded bigots, has led many to dismiss ideas of a more traditional future in line with Britain' past and the stated goals of the Monarch as even racist. The false narrative means that many do not know of the great trans-global, post-racial dream of our Monarch and consider rejection of the United States of Europe as racist, when in fact according to racial science, European's are considered to be the same race. The false narrative has deliberately sought to undermine the post-racial position as a rerun of the British Empire when that has not been the argument put before us. 

The domination of Eurocrat's in the British political class and the media, has led to the diligent work of Queen Elizabeth II of building and maintaining strong relationships with the many people across the seas, in the realms and the Commonwealth network, being hidden from the public view and the public consciousness. But today, many are waking up to the conspiracy of the political and media class to suppress the noble efforts of the Monarch and the stated ideals of the second Elizabethan Age that defined the nation in 1953. Many are now accepting the truth...

The Commonwealth Realms of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and those nations referred to as the West Indies, share a symbolic Head of State and are unified in language, political culture, legal systems and values. We have a shared political history of being nations of the British Empire and the face of Queen Elizabeth II appears on money across these nations. The people of the Commonwealth Realms have much in common but our Pan-European dream dictated by the political class has led us to neglect the deep and wide political, cultural and linguistic relationship between the nations of the Commonwealth Realms in pursuit of the European Union. 

Many have styled the Commonwealth Realms as a relic of the past and have considered the pursuit of those relationships to be a rerun of the British Empire, but what we desire is not a relic of the past but a new era pf post-colonial unity between those, that through an accident of history, now have histories and I believe futures that are intertwined. Whilst some consider the loss of membership of the EU to be a pathway towards "little England", we believe that it is the neglect of the deep and wide relationship with our kith and kin of the Commonwealth Realms, that span across continents and regions, that will lead to Britain's demise as "little England". 

Many argue that the EU is what gives Britain it's power in the world but the power of Britain comes from the expansion of British values from the British Isles to what has been called the "New World". The expansion of Britain to continents and regions across the world, that share our Head of State and where our shared Head of State is the face of our currencies is the basis of Britain's power in the world and not the EU. It is the expansion of Britain' values and political system beyond the windy isles of Britain and the European coast to the "New World" that gives Britain its historical prestige in the world and makes us the envy of European nations. Today, that expansion of the past has allowed Britain to extend way beyond mainland Europe to continents across the world where we can seek to expand our civilisation with others who share our values and language. That expansion of the past, has allowed us now, to have the ability to be free of the threat of war with our European neighbours, something that has been an integral and horrible part of the relationship between Britain and it's European neighbours in the past. The inclusion of British citizens in a new Geo-political space that extends to underpopulated continents across the world, transports Britain from it's neighbours to a new space unhampered by the threat of war. By deepening the relationships with the Commonwealth Realms, Britain and the Commonwealth Realms can become a bastion of liberal, post-racial thought and politics, that invites the world to build a civilisation to astonish the world that builds on the liberal, human rights and post-racial values of our Queen, Queen Elizabeth II.

Today, we must build the Commonwealth Free Trade Zone across the 5 regions of the Commonwealth Realms. We must make the possibilities open for free movement for the citizens of all the nations of the zone. The Commonwealth Free Trade Zone will link the nations of the Commonwealth "Anglosphere", allowing citizens to live, work, travel, study and retire in any of the 5 regions. This would dramatically change the live of the citizens of all the nations of the Commonwealth Realms, allowing them the opportunity to live, work, study and retire in an array of climates and environments. The opportunity to put the ingenuity of the English-speaking peoples into building an earthly paradise for it's citizens and the many that we invite from the wider Commonwealth of 52 nations to contribute to. The Commonwealth Free Trade Zone would be the largest land area encompassing 1 and a half continents and more. A land mass with wide variations of wildlife and mineral resources and a combined population that today would be 130 million. 

Our union would have a GDP larger than Germany and Japan immediately. In a decade, the Commonwealth Free Trade Zone, made up of the Commonwealth Realms would become one of the top three economies of the world. We would be open for business 24 hours, in a union where it is always daytime. This would massively improve our productivity and our union would never sleep. With all major nations involved faring in the top 10% of places that are hospitable for doing business in the world, our economic future would be bright and optimistic. 

The union would have the 3rd largest defence budget in the world, making us the ideal partner for the United States in protecting global order, peace and stability. The nations of the Commonwealth Realms would share the nuclear deterrent's possessed by Britain and our armed forces would be strong and powerful. A united Commonwealth Realms, could become the friend and protector of smaller and developing nations that may be vulnerable to terrorist attacks from an increasingly emboldened Islamic militancy or the rise of a far-right government in a Europe or a turn to imperialism by China. 

On humanitarian issues we would distribute a collective $26 billion in international aid, leading the way on climate change, animal welfare and gender equity and consisting of 4 of the top 6 most charitable nations in the world. Throughout the union, the British values of post-racial politics, rights for minorities and tolerance for the expression of a wide variety in thought and action would make the union a bastion of human rights and liberal democracy. Enviable by the world.

With a strong economy, strong defence, strong humanitarian values and the largest landmass of any union to ever ever exist, we would be a place offering refuge and sanctity to those fleeing war and terror in the world. We would set an example to the world as a truly multi-racial society like none seen before in human history. In our Commonwealth Free Trade Zone, we would be a home for the huddled masses like those fleeing persecution in Syria.  A beacon of liberty where all those that have been displaced by the authoritarian elites of their nations, can now join us in building a new civilisation in the new world.

Today, polls show that across the nations of the Commonwealth Realms including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the West-Indies there is overwhelming support for the integration of the realms and we are ready to commit to a beautiful future and building a trans-global civilisation like no other. Where we are friends with the world and not partakers of the racialised vision of a United States of Europe. It is time for us to reject the Churchill of the European movement and embrace the Churchill that told De Gaulle that, if Britain must choose between Europe and the seas, we must choose the seas. 

The people of Britain are looking for a new ideal and a new way to live. We have voted to leave Europe and pursue an adventure across the seas. The naysayers proclaim that we are doomed to extinction and failure. They hurl abuse at those who have dared to question the practicality and reality of their Pan-European dream. For years the Eurosceptic's have been written off as a bunch of crazed fantasists. Many have gone undercover into the shadows but this moment is a new dawn. The people of Britain have spoken. The silent majority have come out of the shadows. It is high time that those who dream of the Commonwealth Free Trade Zone, openly, in the front of the world publish their views, their aims and their beliefs. Now, we must find the audacity of hope to walk on the most audacious path of creating a New World Order in our time. A New World Order that will connect the international English language community of the "Anglosphere" through a new Geo-political space, the Commonwealth free trade zone.

So, let us start today, there is no time like the present.

God save Britannia, God Save the Queen, God save the Commonwealth!


Tony Thomas
Liberal Democrat Party member

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